Grabbing the updates from the AMS mirror should be the case by default! (i.e. normally, it shouldn’t be necessary to set this up).
Anyway, if the clients are updating from the Internet, it may mean the the AMS mirror is somehow inaccessible. It would be useful to post the \setup\setup.log file from one of the machines…
BTW are you using a proxy server to access the Internet?
Thanks for your reply. I’m not sure whether the netclient able to access by ADNM neither…
however, under adnm console i manage to see the client’s netclient information without any problem.
Not using Proxy, but direct internet line. I shall email you the Setup.log file as it’s too big…
HOWEVER, I have to say I’m confused. That’s because the log file clearly says that this is not the netclient version at all! Rather, the log is from the Professional Edition.
So, are you sure that you have the netclient edition really installed? Does the machine show as green in the Computer Catalog? (in the ADNM console)