How to fully uninstall ZoneAlarm from my computer?

I want to know how do I Fully Uninstall ZoneAlarm from my computer? As all of you know just going to add/remove does not always remove all traces of a program. I want to try Kerio PFW, but do that, i must first uninstall ZA Free First. I dont want any problems with Kerio when i install it.

So the question is:
How do I fully ininstall ZA Free edition? The steps to take after i remove it from add/remove.

Thanks in advance

PS. Is it wise to uninstall ZA Free?, im been hearing that alot of people after uninstalling ZA free has expericence errors when connecting to the internet.

All that is available to you is add remove programs and if you have a registry cleaner (potentially dangerous tools in the hands of those who don’t have a reasonable knowledge of the registry).

You could also visit the ZoneLabs web site and see if there is something about manual removal, etc. or do a google search for manual removal of zone alarm, which returns many hits. There are lots of tool out there (search engines) that can help, that is how I would find out something like this (not being a ZA user).
