I need a text file with the orginal file path inside.
That file is needed so i can check the orginal location what files and program where there. Avast have the missing functionality that you cannot copy and past that path from the virus chest.
Very annoying, because i get the feeling avast is identifiy very old files wrong. But as long i cannot copy and past the file path it’s a slow and painfull progres to get to the orginal file location.
Is there no txt log from the chest with the same info ?
Whilst there isn’t a text file with these specific contents as such.
But if you ran an on-demand scan then the Scans Log file should have the detections - C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\report.
you can also right click the avast tray icon and select Virus Chest. Find the file in the chest and right click on it and select Properties. The information includes the original location.
I don’t know why it hasn’t got an option to open the log/report file, but I’m just an avast user like yourself, trying to work with what is there to try and find what you want. It has an option to view the Scan History, which for may is better as it is a better layout than a text file, but doesn’t offer copy and paste or extract as a txt file.
If you did a manual scan, e.g. right click on a file or folder (a Special Scan) ?
This differs from the selected scans from the UI as you have to enable Reporting in its settings - avastUI > Settings > Special scans - Explorer scan.
As for not giving any useful log files, it should record all detections. If you say “i did manual scan but no bad files and file paths inside.” Then perhaps you haven’t generated the Report file for it (as above and image 2 attached) or it wasn’t that which did the detection.