How to get refund?

A little bit teed that easypass has been discontinued for a year and they are still selling renewal licenses. I cant use the antivirus package because it interferes with the audio programs on my computer and I see no avast passwords only program. Other than filing a ticket is there a refund process or link to go through? Thanks. (Orders and Renewals)

I don’t see how/why avast passwords would interfere with audio.
They are two separate things and have nothing to do with eachother.

Its not the password program, its the antivirus program that causes issues. Antivirus programs are not recommended for audio workstations. I made the mistake once of installing avast antivirus on my digital audio workstation computer and after loads of troubleshooting had to reinstall the OS. A lot of my hardware and software requires online access for updates and or authorization so I need password storage. Easypass was a great solution, but now that it’s only included in a bundle, it is not feasible to use avast passwords.

If it is. it has nothing to do with EasyPass, you posted in the wrong forum.