Sorry to ask in some kind of provocative way - but are the avast-programmers so stupid not to be able to differentiate between “software is declared outdated” and “updates won’t come anymore soon”? IIRC the message in the warning only tells that an outdated version would be in use and not that VDB-update-stream will come to an end soon! As a user of 4.8 I am at least, if not more than 100% aware that I don’t use the latest version and that I don’t have be told daily that I am using a declared outdated product.
It’s time to update that old system.
I’d rather say: it’s time for avast to offer a solution that is running as smooth as 4.8 does. Again: it’s not that I don’t want to update - but I’m not gonna make an unusable system out of it; and v7 is rather unusable on slower machines (that are not so slow without avast or even with avast 4.8!)
By the way, I look after an old XP system for a friend which is only 800MHz with 1Gb of DDR ram and it runs fine with avast 7 as long as you restrict the amount of running processes ( stop un-needed start-ups )
Again: it’s not only that; it’s mainly ActiveScripting that v7 really has a problem with; but some websites won’t run without scripting turned on - and the result would be to turn off avast for visiting these sites - AND THAT’S DEFINITELY NOT THE PURPOSE OF AN AV-SOLUTION (to be turned off then, when it’s mostly needed).
Ignoring how far avast 8 is developed so far - but make two things: DON’T SHOW A ALWAYS FOCUS-STEALING EVERYTHING-COVERING NAG SCREEN IN A TOO BIG FORMAT when manually updating (some small window in the lower right corner of the screen is more than enough - and it should only appear for 2-3 seconds after having clicked on “manually update now” and can reappear for 2-3 seconds as soon as update is done. a small window as in automatic updating (or announcing updates for manually updating) is absolutely enough - more is really not needed and only a very ugly and bad meddlesomeness against the user) - and MAKE IT USABLE FOR SLOW MACHINES, specially when using activescripting! Otherwise I really have to look for a different product from another company (what I don’t really want!).
Again: surface behaviour and speed-decrease of 4.8 is what I am asking for - not more and not less; and if the programmers can do that the better; if they can’t I have to look for a different AV-solution. It’s so simple as that.