How to help Avast to improve the home version? If Is possible I want to collaborate to this great Av Team. the only that offer a free Av that compete with the commercial AV
If I can I want to help
Alchimista, the list will be very long ;D
- Help in forums
- Make skins for avast (or even sounds)
- Translate it to another (un-translated yet) language
- Add a note to your emails telling your friends you have the best antivirus
- Buy the Professional version ;D
Well when you put it that way…
How to translate it?
See translator’s page:
If your language is not there, send an Instant Message to Igor. He is the big boss when the subject is translation
Hey Alch ! Welcome to this forum.
Are you by chance THE Alch from Clam ?
Just curious.
Kind regards, Fast.
No, I’m not che Alchimista of Clam… what is clam?! ;D You intend CalmAV? No, I’m not the people that you refer.
Yes, I meant ClamAV.
Sorry, just a coincidence I suppose.
Bye, Alch2 !