How to hide IP address and use internet safely?

I want to do safe browsing by hiding my IP address.

How I can do that?

I found many softwares which change our IP address and give new fake IP.

Give your valuable suggestions


if you use firefox then there are many addons which do that job.

Don’t worry!
Be Happy!

They will always find you.

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Kenny you seem to be replying with videos. ;D

A picture is worth a thousand words therefore a video must be worth a billion :wink:

he he he ;D

The only way to hide from the internet is to NOT use it.
The programs that promise to hide your IP address only give you a false sense of anonymity.

Proxies would be of help too. But most proxies are ad intensive.

Yes,I thank (know) Bob is right.
As for me,any one who needs to see a history of WW2 sites,Model airplane pages,H.P Lovecraft fan sites,and Internet security forums,they are welcome to follow, my exposed, yellow brick road!!

Does the IP change? I sort of heard about dynamic IPs…

Yeah, it could change. There isn’t any other way to “hide” your IP than using a proxy (decreases performance although).

Yes. It depends on the internet provider. the way I see it is that you get assigned a random IP address once every X amount of hours/days.

Can we b traced if we are using a dynamic IP?


yes. everything connects through your isp.

Of course you can be traced, you log-on to your ISP, it assigns a dynamic IP and it records when you used that IP. Some countries have ISPs maintain records of this use so they can be accessed by law enforcement.

Hiding an IP doesn’t aid Internet Security as when you use something to hide your IP from general observation, what you are browsing still has to be delivered to your real IP address and what is to stop that being malicious. Just because you theoretically hide your IP doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist so when you browse an infected site for instance, any malware could still be delivered in the same way as the content of the web page.

For the most part there are random attacks where they don’t know your IP but simply use random IP address generators to try speculative attacks, hiding your IP won’t stop that either.

So all in all I feel hiding your IP is a bit of a waste of time.

Just read this

Microsoft working to eliminate Internet anonymity
◦By Jabulani Leffall◦Aug 19, 2009
Microsoft researchers have unveiled an anti-hacking concept that can help track hackers or malicious content to origin servers.

The Host Tracker program’s goal is to “de-anonymize the Internet” through the ability to host servers with 99 percent accuracy.

Keeping Paranoia to a minimum,I thank a pretty good rule of thumb on
Internet use would be to never do anything,you would not be
willing to do with a army of cops,spooks,perverts,con-men plus your Mom
But YoKenny,if your avatar means anything,we both understand:
“The importance of not being seen”.

Add to the fact that no matter if you use a dynamic IP, anonymous proxies, or whatever else, remember that Google saves practically everything ever searched from every IP address that ever connected to their site and used their services.

Wrap your head around that.

Additionally, a lot of other search engines use google for their own searches, so even if you want to stay away from google’s “eyes”, you still have to find a search engine that doesn’t use them at all.

Just keep in mind, that if you look / search for child porn, instructions to build h-bombs, or how to kill the president, there’s always a slight chance that the government will be able to figure out who you are, no matter how careful you are.

If you’re extremely worried, and have some brains to spare, you could hack into other systems and use their internet for your nasty internet uses, or use “IP Spoofing methods”.

In short,

How to hide IP address and use internet safely?
isn’t necessary unless you’re trying to do something extremely illegal. Just don’t do it and you won’t get caught.

yokenny: then, everything we do will b able to b traced… right? Worse than in the “real” world…

I know you didn’t address your question towards me, but I’d say, yes. Unless you do some crazy network spoofing and some expert hacking techniques, I don’t see how anything you do on the internet won’t be able to be traced using some sort of tracking mechanism (I mean, they still eventually find most hackers, don’t they? If not, then they’re REAL good). Take this for example: Hint: look into the related news entries near the bottom of the page for more.

If you prefer YoKenny’s answer, you can of course wait for that.