Hi, in my task manager I sometimes see such a task:
taskeng.exe Task Scheduler Engine taskeng.exe {long string of letters/numbers}
I’ve tried looking through my Task Scheduler to identify what that character string is, but I can’t find it, as there’s no “find/search” feature in the task scheduler.
Does anyone know how I could identity a task in the Scheduler?
Of course, I did that prior to posting this question, and all I got there is how to use the Task Scheduler, just as I got below:
Thanks guys for your assistance, but I already know how to use the Scheduler, and as indicated above, I looked through all the folder but haven’t found the long stringed task I saw in the Task Manager, which is why I’m asking if anyone knows a way to search for a unidentified task.
Yes I would and that is because you downloaded it from a download site that is bundling it with junk - PUP - crap - adware or what will you call it, at least unwanted.
These programs should be downloaded from sites that are known to provide clean downloads like: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/autoruns/
It is a pity that sites offering non-bundled downloads are getting rare, there almost is not a program any longer that is free (as in free beer). When downloading unchecky is your best companion.