how to influence time and frequency of update

Is it possible to influenece time and frequency of avast home virus database update? Automatic update happens only once a day in strange afternoon time.

If this is not possible, is it possible to invoke virus database update using commandline?

Update check for new VPS when you connect to net and than every 4 hours. You can always use manual update command if you right-click on the blue ball. avast! Pro updates VPS as soon as they are updated on Alwil servers…

xtonda, RejZor is fully correct.
The avast! updates are not like AVG free (specific time of the day).
They are automatic and could be more than one by day ;D
I would reccommend you do not change your settings for update. This could bring some troubles for Alwil webpage (you can read more about this in the forums). Four hours are quite enough.

Btw, if you are using the Professional version, the push update technology will allow you to be updated immediatly, just after the release of the update and just after you download the push update email :wink:

Is it possible to check somewhere in the logs whether the update attempt did happen even if there were no new virus definitions?

Right click the avast! icon on the system tray.
Choose avast! Log Viewer
Go to the section ‘Setup and updating’ (left side of the screen)

You’ll see all the operations there! :wink:

I am using home version and according to log file, update happens approximately once a day, for example, last saturday no attempt to update happen (computer was runnig since 10:30 am till 0:20 am next day). This far from update every 4 hours.

There are two different things:

  1. check for update
  2. real update is avaliable during this check, so it is downloaded and installed.

check for update (item 1) is done immediately when the computer is connected to the internet and then every four hours. Believe me, that how it works :wink: !

Real update is of course downloaded only when it is released by us. There was one on Friday and another on Sunday (1:30 CET)…


So there is no record in log about checks when update wasn’t available? That is I wanted to know.


I am not sure what exactly you want to check…
Do you want to check to see if the “attempt” was made?

You will find a record of what Avast did during the “update” attempt in the Avast folder/Data/log file.

You will see therein when Avast actually downloads an updated db from the server.

Hope this is the information you wanted.

Once the update is done, it will appear as Technical has stated, and also if you right click on the A ball and look under ABOUT AVAST. The most current program and database will be listed up on top.

Take Care

PS: As Pavel has told you, the time frame of Avast updating is more than sufficient! Don’t try to alter it.
Good advice from the Pro…Pavel.

There’s a GUI control to see the date/time of the last update attempt, too. It’s a bit hidden, though… :-\

avast → Settings → Updates (Basic) → Advanced contains a line that shows this info.

BTW xtonda how do you connect to the Internet? Naturally, avast does not even attempt to do the update if an Internet connection is not available…

BTW2 Vzhledem k tomu, ze se to resi tady, tak ty podobne prispevky na ceskem foru smazu, OK? :wink:


I just want to know what is happening. When I was using McAfee in my office, it was possible to configure when and how often update is performed and in a simple textual update log was easy to find whether new database was installed or there was nothing to update or update failed due to communication problem.

With avast I wasn’t able to see if check really happened so it seemed to me that updates are pereformed in strange random way.

OK, I will accept as a fact which I can’t verify that updates happen every 4 hours.

I see, it is really hidden. It states that last check was performed today at 6:30am. That corresponds with time I switched on my computer.

The only record in log with that time is “Knihovna Setiface.dll byla úspěšně zaktualizována.” Has it something to do with update?

BTW xtonda how do you connect to the Internet? Naturally, avast does not even [i]attempt[/i] to do the update if an Internet connection is not available...

I am using GPRS, command to establish dial-up connection is in my StartUp folder, so connection is made just when I log in. In avast Settings in Updates(Connections) both boxes are unchecked.

BTW2 [i]Vzhledem k tomu, ze se to resi tady, tak ty podobne prispevky na ceskem foru smazu, OK? ;)[/i]


OK, klidne smazte. Vzhledem k tomu, ze tam je ponekud mrtvo budu stejne pouzivat toto forum. Chudaci cesti uzivatele co neumi anglicky. :wink:

It freezes sometimes, so although computer looks like connected no data passes through, so I will stick to “ping method”

There must be something else :-
If data do not pass, maybe a firewall issue…
I cannot understand ‘freeze’. What freezes? avast or the computer?
Attempting to connect and update cannot freeze a normal system…

If you want to delay the attempt to update some seconds after the connection were established, try to see here:;action=display;threadid=1647

Does ping ‘passes through’?

Sorry for being unclear, the GPRS connection (modem) freezes sometimes (I have to switch it off and back on to make it working again) but dial-up connection in Windows remains in connected state, so checking for status of DUN connection doesn’t assure that Internet is really accessible. In this situation I consider the pinging method more reliable.

I see… But maybe it is just a trouble of your type of modem because I never had troubles with DUN state… I use NetStat and it detects very good the state of connection for lauching/closing programs. You can detect the state by four methods: Non-local & non-private, Any non local IP address, RAS connection, Tray connect (testing mode).

Maybe someone from Alwil could say something about the detection :-*

Anyway this “Understanding avast4.ini file” thread is very interesting reading, in context of this thread especially “UpdatePeriod” key :slight_smile:

Don’t alter the value to lower than 4 hours. Anyway,Alwil guys will lock this feature in next release,so dont bother with it…
4 hours is the most optimal check rate,for both,Alwil update servers and you.

I do recommend this behavior… Otherwise, we, the users, will be in danger with Alwil…