How to install and configure Comodo's free firewall?

Hi! I’ve read so much about the tight security being provided by Comodo Firewall Pro(free). I have been using ZoneAlarm Firewall(free) for 1 year…no problem so far…but I just want to give Comodo a try and maybe stick with it…if only I can find a clear, concise & reliable step by step procedure on how to install & configure Comodo Firewall for my pc(Im using WindowsXP). I’ve done some readings on how to install/configure Comodo but…I always find it either confusing, daunting and overwhelming. Can anybody please give me a good link with tutorial/instructions on how to install/configure Comodo Firewall. Any advise(do’s & don’t, personal experiences) regarding it’s installation/use will also be appreciated. Thanks!

I don’t know if this reflects the latest version of comodo (or if it has been updated), but it would give a reasonable insight - Comodo Firewall setup video tutorial Here

The link below has a pdf download for the latest V3. Installation is simple,do not opt for the A-VSMART warranty,that costs $79.The main decision,when installing,is wether to have the basic firewall alone or with Defence+ ( recomended ).My only advice is be initially prepared for a lot of alerts ( especially with Defence + ) until it learns about your computer.Depending what level you put Defence + on ( Training mode,Clean pc mode,Train with safe mode or paranoid mode ) will alter how many alerts you get.Finally when installing new trusted programs,when you get an alert,switch to installation mode, until your program is installed.I hope i haven’t made it sound too complicated,it isn’t.However I believe the scope for configuration is immense, if you wanted,and were technically able,which I am not.My only niggle is recently there have been numerous updates for V3,but they are only trying to perfect their product.Good luck.

Thanks for the links! Will gather all my courage and try out Comodo Firewall this weekend. :-\ :-\ :-\

have had no problem at all with the comodo pro firewall on one of my computers :wink:

Your welcome, good luck.