How to keep Anti-Theft while flashing new version of Cyanogenmod


i have CM 12 on my S4, and for sure each time i flash a new nightly, Anti-Theft is gone.
I have seen posts about creating a file /system/etc/custom_backup_list.txt and add 2 lines
etc/ (if you saved settings)

but i think that will not work as i do not find these files in that folders… i assume something has changed here.

What is the correct way forward?

Looks to me you don’t need to have those files.
Have you tried it with creating that txt file ?

Well, as expected, that file did not work.
Even the file /system/etc/custom_backup_list.txt was gone after reflash.

My second trial will be a modified sh-file in /system/addon.d

We will see… will report after next flash…

That second trial was again not successful.

But, at installation, i discovered a checkbox which i activated, asking if i want AntiTheft to survive when flashing CM.

That seems to trigger the creation of the files which i also already tested… in this case it was successful. No idea what the difference was, but this time it worked.