How to launch a data-sync program on a broken display phone

I recently dropped my phone: display and touch-screen were broken, but phone was still alive and on-line. Since anti-theft was installed (“rooted” installation), I tried to launch data-sync program (MyPhoneExplorer) to move data from phone before leaving it at service-center for repair.

Unfortunately no following strings worked for me:

111111 com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client MainActivity
111111 com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client.MainActivity
111111 com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client/.MainActivity
111111 com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client.MainActivity
111111 com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client com.fjsoft.myphoneexplorer.client MainActivity

The error was something like “ERROR: action or service have not been found”

Please, give an example, if somebody managed to launch a program via anti-theft.