How To Load Adobe Flash Player "through" i.e. When Running SafeZone?

Did a topic search on this but nothing came up - so anyone?

When in “SafeZone” (SafeBrowser) frequently it is announced by popup or banner that “Adobe Flash Player Is Required” (paraphrased) to either have something run/display/watched - but - when the download is performed and .exe - a popup appears after a moment or two advising it could not be loaded (obviously because of running in Safezone).

So - how is this to be done to get Flash Player to install into SafeZone so it’s available for those programs that require it to run?

Tks in advance for any suggestions/comments

If you have Flash installed, it will work without a problem within the safezone.
Test your installation here:
Make sure you have the latest version installed.
It is strongly advised to remove old(er) version(s) first before installing the latest one.

Thank you for responding and the suggestions/links.

One question however - there are two versions - one for IE and one for Chrome. The one I have for IE is the latest but in looking over the options for installation I see nothing to direct the download specifically for Chrome.

While you state that if already installed - Flash Player should run - AND - Chrome automatically updates Flash Player - HOWEVER - there is a banner at the top of the screen when using SafeBrowser/SafeZone that says Adobe Flash Player needs to be installed.

So - isn’t that telling me/us that when in SafeBrowser/SafeZone - AVAST isn’t SEEING the installed Flash Player???

This is why I asked how to install Flash Player when alreay “inside” SafeBrowser/SafeZone because the program did NOT seem to be “seeing” what was already installed “outside” of SaveZone.


Hi, according to the avast help files the safezone loads the browser minus any extra components ect on purpose.I doubt there’s
anything you can do.Hope this helps.

The SafeZone browser is a special browser without any additional components such as "plug-ins" which are often used to distribute spyware.

Hi RN from Tenn - my wife and daughter-in-law are also RNs so when I have a medical question I always get 10 books opened to the appropriate page as an “answer” :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response

(sorry - trying to get the response(s) to the right individual and not doing that very well) - taking this one out by simply erasing and substituting this.

AVAST should have a “DELETE POST” capability instead of only “Modify” which would have rendered all this work-around unnecessary.

Thanks for the link - but unfortunately it isn’t an issue of loading Flash into Chrome - it’s about getting the Flash download THROUGH SafeBrowser/SafeZone - and the link you thoughtfully provided does not of course address that because Google isn’t going to deal with the AVAST SafeZone interface which is blocking the Flash .exe file.

So - seems this isn’t going to be easily solved - EVEN THOUGH while in SafeZone/SafeBrowser the pop-up displays that “Flash Player Is Required” (to run or display this or that) so one would THINK that AVAST would be quite aware of this (since it’s displaying within their own turf-site) and do something about it - but - alas - AVAST is probably too bush trying to sell and tout it’s product rather than pay any attention to something like this.

Tks again for trying :slight_smile:

The SafeZone browser is Chrome.
If I go to the flash test website, everything is working fine without the need to install flash again or something like that.
Since it is working fine there is nothing for avast to solve/do about it.
There is no need to download/install flash in the SafeZone.

I tested it with Chrome, Opera and IE and none told me to download/install flash.
They all worked fine.

??? SafeZone does NOT load Adobe Flash, the plugin is not loaded / enabled ( deliberately ), and if you visit the Adobe site in SafeZone you will be told the plugin is not enabled.

:slight_smile: You are correct AdrianH, just the same as I’ve stated previously above. Safezone is designed to keep stuff out of your system.

@ Jim Scrittore, have you tried using your browser sandboxed? The sandbox is a secure environment that allows flashplayer and other
plugins to run.
Hope this helps.

Just a simple question to Adrian and RN…
Why van i play flash games without any problem in SafeZone?

[quote author=RNfromTN link=topic=145827.msg1058573#msg1058573 date=1391541258]

Haven’t tried that - but will. Tks RN!