How to lock your Windows XP box.........

Hi malware fighters,

Out of the box is dangerous, we all know it, upnp, admin rights, etc, etc. Do something about it in the right way:

Disabling Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
Disabling Remote Assistance/Desktop/Registry
Disabling the Guest account
Renaming the Administrator account
Setting up a bogus Administrator account
Disabling NetBIOS
Disabling Active Directory
Enabling NTFS and EFS file systems
Encrypting the temp directory
Disabling unnecessary services
Enabling auditing

Read this article and act accordingly:


You don’t need to read an article to secure your system.
Just follow the advice offered freely in this forum. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi bob3160,

I know that we have all this information on board here, just wanted to pass the info arranged in this particular fashion of this article, but it is a valid remark, and it is yours,
