How to Make the Console Search for Computers, by using an ip Range.

Dear All,

I’m working for a company that has more than 22 Class C networks around Greece and Romania.
e.x. 192.168.1.x, 192.168.2.x, 192.168.3.x and goes up to 192.168.26.x

The total amound of computers, that i need to install the Avast, are 135.

I need to find a way so that the Console should Find computers, not by just using the Domain Server or just workgroup, but by giving an Ip Range and a username and password.
After that, to do the list of the computers with or without Avast, and proceed with the installations.

Are the above possible with the Avast Console?

Thank you, all for your time.

Can someone reply on this, back to me please ?

I have had the same issue with multiple workgroups and multiple subnets. From my understanding, Lukas is the person that can answer this question.

Dear Lukas, we are specifically talking about SBC here. Can you help us, sir?

Thank you avast@

I really hope he can shine some light on this. So please Lukas, if there is (or not) something you could do to help us, please let us know.

Best reards,