I’ve started to use the firewall with a whitelist (allow selected).
I receive Google Play notifications of updates, but I can’t download any.
As far I know, I’ve allowed all system applications/services to full connection (wifi, 3D, roaming).
Google Play is allowed on wifi e 3D.
I’m on a 3D now, but unless I disable the firewall, I can’t download updates.
Why? How to solve?
What are the suggested settings for the firewall rules?
Using the firewall’s whitelist mode, I tried to enable all listed apps, but even then I still cannot download from google play store!
The earlier suggestion to search the forum for firewall and google market did not give any posts that could solve this problem.
Please have some expert dive into this issue seriously.
If this problem is not resolved, the only option is to disable the firewall, thereby rendering the most useful function of this app useless!
Thanks for a response.
“Google Play Store”; “Market Feedback Agent”; “Market-Updater”; are enabled
“Download Manager” is not in my list. (if it is com.sec.android.providers.downloads, then it is enabled)
“Google Services Framework” is not in my list, could it appear under another name?
We have an issue with the app grouping at the bottom of the list (it does not show the detailed list of contained apps - will be fixed in next release). Its one of the grouped apps. If you click on it, you will see a hint in the package name at the top of the details page.
Thank you, I found the Google services group.
But it was already allowed to access wifi, still no succes with google play store.
I have allowed all the groups access to wifi now.
I can access play store, can select an app for download and accept the terms, but then the progress bar never progresses. Any other suggestions?
(Oh, it would be nice if e.g. a 4 apps-group had their 4 apps listed if you click the group, but that’s another subject)
Here seems to be working (firewall on “deny selected” mode and all system/grouped applications allowed, i.e., not checked).
Samsung Galaxy Nexus running Google stock 4.0.4 ROM.