How to open ports & which ports to open please!

hi all,

I’ve been searching around for a good couple of weeks looking for a solution to my problem but still I’m lost with it,

I want to open a particular port to use with a windows 7 x86 app I’m running but I’ve failed, so far,

can anyone please tell me if all ports are closed when using secureline vpn or are some open and available to use?

Are there any methods to open say port 400 TCP through my vpn tunnel ?

this is something i really need to fix, at this point I’m thinking all ports are closed and there’s no chance of opening them,

if this is the case i would have to look into another supplier,

i already have one in mind but i don’t see why secureline vpn couldn’t open a port if needed?

i have seen whilst searching around a different version of secureline which maybe had some way of port forwarding from inside the secureline client,

not sure if it even exists or maybe I’m just not finding any further info maybe due to not knowing what I’m looking for,

please help!

so far i really like secureline, I’ve had hardly any problems what so ever but now i need to somehow enable the expert mode on the client gui but there isn’t one!

if anyone has the technical department url I’ll try that if needed but I’m hoping by now someone must know how to open a port in the tunnel,

cheers for reading and please try help if you can to try finally put an end to what should be an easy task but so far has consumed all my spare time in the last 2 weeks :smiley:

cheers RD80.

Opening/closing ports is something for a firewall, not a vpn.

thanks for the reply, so the vpn tunnel doesn’t block any ports from being open? or it does but they need opening?

maybe i just need to know the correct method to configure the port with my router firewall, which network adapter should i use?

my standard network adapter or the tap adapter?

if i’m connected to the vpn and forward the port i need opening to my network adapter like i didn’t have a vpn then the port is always closed,

if i ‘CMD/ipcofig/all’ and add the mac address to my router network list the device is not active and doesn’t make any difference to the ports i try open,

I’m using windows firewall and also created an inbound & outbound rule for the port but still nothing,

if i disconnect from secureline vpn everything works as it should, the port is instantly open,

is there any setup manuals or user manuals for secureline which should include this info?

if i install avast firewall which i think includes a version of secureline would i be able to use that with my existing secureline activation profile?

does avast firewall include any features to open ports in secureline vpn??

I’ve found info on another vpn company, the client they have includes port forwarding of the vpn tunnel,

also the other company includes a kill switch but avast doesn’t, also they provide options to close all leaks but avast doesn’t,

the more i find out about other vpn’s the more i wish i didn’t purchase such a long license for avast vpn,

which really is a huge shame because everything else is spot on :smiley:

cheers RD80.

can anyone at all help out with this issue?

do avast have an official secureline vpn technical help department?

thanks for the reply, so the vpn tunnel doesn't block any ports from being open?
Indeed, that is a task for a firewall. (either hardware or software one)

Port forwarding is done in the router, not in a firewall.
Port opening/closing is done in a firewall.

Why do you want to use port 400 ?
That is not exactly a standard port.

What is saying that when you use the vpn the port is closed ?

What application is it you are talking about ?

You can’t test what ports are open/closed from the system itself.
You need to do it from the outside.

i use my router to forward the port to my secureline win7 PC using the MAC address of the standard network device on the secureline win7 PC,

then on the secureline win7 PC i use windows firewall to create an inbound and outbound port rule to allow the port,

then test the port to see if its open on a different PC but same LAN using Microsoft port query,

if i check the app on the secureline win7 PC the port is closed and will not open when i recheck the port status included in the app,

if i use tcpview or CMD/IPCONFIG/ALL on the secureline win7 PC where i need to open the port i can see the port is active by the app,

when on the 2nd pc where i use port query, if i use the lan address of the secureline win7 PC to access the app through the port i can view it correctly so its working,

but if i try with the secureline wan ip it fails every time,

if i disconnect the vpn and use my legit wan address using port query on the 2nd pc i can see its open,

with the app if i use it with the vpn disconnected the port is open no problem,

all the problems start with trying to open the port for the app when connected to the vpn

Apparently not as many users have issues that are going unassisted :-\

such a shame, since i have so much time left on my license i will keep trying to figure this out,

if i find the solution i will be sure to post it here,

if anyone else who reads this thread can throw a few suggestions to try out I’d always be wiling to try them :wink:

win7 x86=> how to open any port through the vpn tunnel or find an open port thats available to use?

if the solution is posted here i would try return the favor somehow ;D ;D

also if anyone reading this is in the same boat as me please drop a comment here, the more the better if we really want to fix this :slight_smile:

Antivirus software protects you from malware, and a firewall blocks unauthorized access to your computer and data stored there, but a Virtual Private Network (VPN) protects data you upload and download from the Internet. Avast SecureLine allows you to connect to the Internet via an encrypted tunnel to protect your online identity, from eavesdropping. Only a VPN provides security for data after it leaves your computer and anonymizes your Internet activity. Avast SecureLine VPN offers many advantages
As I said before, opening/closing ports is done in a firewall. A vpn doesn't have anything to do with ports used.

Please answer the questions I have asked you.

hi pal, sorry but your wrong, ive been at this for a long time now trying to fix it,

Ive just purchased a 1 month for another company to try it because i read that ports could be opened using that vpn service,

24 hours after signing up Ive opened the port successfully and i didnt touch my router or windows firewall,

the other company open 1 port only, i selected ‘port forward’ in the client and added that port to my app and bang working!

port open so you are 100% wrong it has nothing to do with any firewall or port forward and its everything to do with the vpn tunnel,

avast should follow suit and allow one port only to be opened, that port cannot be changed vpn side so you must change the port in your app which takes seconds to do,

please avast secureline… please listen to my cry and provide an update to your nifty little client which allows 1 port to open so we can all benefit from the port to do so as we wish :wink:

i spent weeks on this with secureline and failed at the end of it,

new one month test with other company took less than 5 hours in my spare time to work out :smiley:

please put an end to my time wasted to find a method that doesn’t exist with your current otherwise excellent service,

and add a feature to open 1 port, also dns leaks were much higher in secureline compared to the other service i now have,

also the other service has a good working kill-switch to protect my setup when vpn disconnects!


  1. add open 1 port feature
  2. close dns leaks
  3. add kill-switch feature

if you did you would be one of the best available :slight_smile:

cheers RD80

I’m curious, What service did you sign up for?

And still no answers to my questions :frowning:

Why do you want to use port 400 ?
That is not exactly a standard port.

was only an example.

What is saying that when you use the vpn the port is closed ?

PortQryUI was saying NOT LISTENING.

What application is it you are talking about ?

I’d rather not.

You can’t test what ports are open/closed from the system itself.
You need to do it from the outside.

both my pc’s had vpns so i guess it was from the outside, also i was using the WAN IP,

tested that theory with this other service and it tested perfectly, 1= LISTENING 2=NOT LISTENING.

many thanks for the help guys i really appreciate it,

i strongly believe the changes must be made with an updated client but avast don’t seem too bothered about the vpn side of things,

with no customer support and no help from the devs or admin will things ever change for the better?

cheers guys (–_–)

That’s funny!
Didn’t realize this was espionage. ::slight_smile:

lmao ;D ;D