The last time I paid for avast I bought a prepaid credit card then acquired a pay pal account then sent from pay pal to avast…
it was a faulty idea. It was cumbersome to get all those ducks in a row it took a wk…
and then I could not get avast to install and work properly for a couple of months. In essence I paid for a year missed the first two month of service.
How to get cash to avast that is my question?
Is there a better way? My pay pal account went tits up long ago… do not shop online for anything so did not bother to fix it.
I had a difficult time getting to the bottom of why it would not install…
I am back here again thinking of paying for avast has anything new come along to make it less of a problem … or should I just go to the store and buy a program…
I wonder why they don’t take email transfers at avast… that would be great… and easy or so I hear…
Nobody replied to my long ago sent email and thanks to outlook security loop trap I no longer have an email account to get a message from them.
So I was thinking maybe the people who do the work and get paid from this sign up money ??? would have some ideas on how to get that money to them… ? Here I will wait maybe there is some news.