How to permanently disable Avast popup advertisement spam?

And how do you expect avast to know which ones cant afford for it to not be shown ??? it’s shown to everyone.

You cant just keep twisting things to suit you own view, the simple answer is if you don’t like it then don’t use it.

Because there are trial version for those who can afford it. See? As simple as that.

Trial versions are for everyone, if they don’t like or cant afford then use the free and if they don’t want the free then go elsewhere.

Using pirated software is illegal and that all there is to it.

But this makes no sense. Trial versions are made for people to test commercial software, and then buy if satisfied. Why should I test free version if it’s far from similar to the paid one? How can I decide to buy the paid version after using the free version? Do you think that a nagging screen can make me buy it? It only can start a threads like this one.

The protection offered by the free version is the same as the paid other than a few extra added features.

It’s obvious the ad for “paid” placed in the free version must bring in revenue as avast would have the details on where customers are purchasing through, if it didn’t work then it wouldn’t be there would it.

Like I said you don’t have to look at the UI ad, what’s the point in sitting there staring at the UI - you open the UI and do what you have to do ( adjust settings, check virus chest, etc ) then close it, if the ad placed in the UI bothers you that much you are quite welcome to use something else but don’t expect people to condone the use of pirated avast licenses simply because you don’t like an ad.

I have no idea what you two guys are hijacking my thread about…

I am fine with an email or banner ads in the user interface to push products (although…Avast did use an emergency update to push the seasonal sale, naughty). But, popups are not fine and neither is telling a customer to turn off all notifications to “disable” them.

Sorry about that but if you were to go back a page and read you would see Tarantula was trying to condone to use of pirated versions to escape ads in the free version, frankly speaking I think users with this sort of agenda should be banned outright.

Now can we get back to complaining about the spam notifications?

if you go back Para-Noid and myself answered your question. These adverts piggy-backing the regular vps alerts are a nuisance. Some of us have it others like essexboy have never suffered them, and yes you are right when you said that turning off notifications is not the solution; However, there is no official word from avast! why this is happening.

I think we are both missing your answer. Perhaps you can repost it?

Please understand that we are commercial company and the advertisements is one of the method how to succeed on the market. We're glad that you paid for the better version of our antivirus after using the free version for so many years. But please understand that you did not pay for a version without any advertisements, but for version that provides more security.

The senior technical support supervisor is quite clear and official about why this is happening. There is no piggy-back issue. The spam is intentional.

Well my experience is that I would tend to disagree with that. I have never received any ad popups or the like since I have been using AIS and prior to that the Pro version. Unless they just really like me

Make yourself invisible.

Disabling the avast! SecureLine icon on system tray (into Appearance settings of avast!) helps or not?

Will try and report back.

Nope, still comes up even with tray icon disabled.

Secure line has nothing to do with this, most people won’t have secure line.

These ads/tips are piggybacked on to the auto update notification popup, the problem being if there is an ad attaches it screws up the auto update notification (no update voice-over and popup duration is ignored).

The resolution is to disable the auto update notification avastUI > Settings > Update - scroll down to Update Options and uncheck the ‘Show notification box after automatic update.’

Of course you then lose the auto update notification proper also. Depending on OS, you can hover the mouse over the avast tray icon and that will give a tool tip with the avast version and VPS.