Dear All,
I have rooted installation on my GT-N7000 (Galaxy Notes), all setting has been setup properly (anti-theft).
A few weeks ago, my phone got stolen, and there is no notification from avast software until today, so I presume that the stalker handed the phone to the store and the phone store do the recovery mode (install new ROM / recover) and thus the avast anti-theft software is removed from the phone.
I’m the IT Engineer and I notice there is some software (agent based) which can installed to the ROM chipset on the motherboard of notebook, so when the notebook is stolen and the stalker install a fresh and clean O/S installation, the ROM will push new installation to the O/S and the agent will back to active, in this case the agent only can be removed by replacing the motherboard, which is costly and this might be make the stalker frustation, hopefully AVAST can consider this method, although there should be a disclaimer that due to this process can cause the damage of the chipset and do at your own risk… or maybe this features is already available? Please let us know…
Thanks & Regards,
Franky Nathanael