How to prevent "This file might be dangerous" whenever I release software?

I’m an independent developer and every time I release software (as a .exe, downloadable from my site), my users using avast are faced with the CyberCapture system saying “This file might be dangerous”, “It’s been submitted for interrogation at the Avast Virus Lab”, etc, and basically prevents my users from ever installing unless they remember to come back in 45+ minutes. Also, either Avast or CyberCapture causes numerous problems with the installation process, including making the installer think its running on a pre-Windows-7 OS.

My software is not malware and every AV engine (even avast) agrees, according to virus total.

I read this link: and subsequently went to to register for the whitelisting program, but that page asks me to immediately upload by file, which I cannot because it is larger than 50mb. Is this program actually active, and if so how do I get access? Also, would the whitelisting program prevent CyberCapture from launching?

My installers are built with NSIS (using electron-builder, an installer builder for the Electron.js framework). They are properly signed with a hardware EV certificate.

Any help is appreciated.

As you’re a developer, read here…

Yes, please read my post. I tried registering for the whitelisting program and the link given takes me to a page that asks for email, description, and a file to upload. My file is above the file limit and therefore I cannot submit. Please advise.Is there an email address or phone number where I can talk to a human being?

My file is above the file limit and therefore I cannot submit. Please advise.Is there an email address or phone number where I can talk to a human being?
My software is not malware and every AV engine (even avast) agrees, according to virus total.
Can you give them the virustotal link .... then they can see the MD5/SHA and fetch file from VT

or upload to FTP
Uploading files to the Avast FTP server

I would love to give them my virus total link and whatever else they need, do you know what email/form I should be using?

The FTP server listed at is password protected, which goes back to my initial problem: I cannot register.

I would love to give them my virus total link and whatever else they need, do you know what email/form I should be using?

Does it work with this one?

Report a false positive (select file or website)

Thanks, I haven’t seen that particular submission form where I can submit a link. I think that may work… If I submit a VT link, it will be analyzed by the threat lab so CyberCapture doesn’t mess with the installer? Is it acceptable to write a script to automatically submit files using that form, after every build?

Also, I’d still like an email address or other way to contact the threat lab / developers somehow. It seems the CyberCapture system interferes with my installer, regardless of whether or not it has been analyzed by Avast, and I’d really like to get it sorted out. It is an issue that probably affects everyone who uses electron-builder, which is sizeable.

Thanks, I haven't seen that particular submission form where I can submit a link.
More here >>
Also, I'd still like an email address or other way to contact the threat lab / developers somehow.
The forms are what we are told to use .... no mail

Okay, thanks, I will use the form. But, if I submit a file (or URL to file) using the forms, does that get my file whitelisted? As I said, my files are not detected as malware, but they ARE prevented from installed by CyberCapture? From reading this forum, it is my understanding that whitelisting helps me with this?

I dont work for avast, only the guys at avast lab can answer