how to remove icon in taskbar toolbar w7

recently deleted avast, perfectly fine, but i have stuck icon en taskbar > toolbar, and not idea how to remove

PD: sorry for my bad english.

Is this home premium SP1? I haven’t had this problem.

Nop, is Windows 7 Ultimate x64, not SP1

I’m sorry, I can’t help you there.

Did you delete Avast or uninstall it? That toolbar is there by default cause I have it. Are you currently using another av?

Effectively you can’t remove that as this is a throw back to IE being heavily integrated into the OS. For some reason this added IE toolbar is showing up on the task bar toolbars list.

If you actually uninstalled the avast webrep for IE, then this wouldn’t display. So it is a case of ignoring it unfortunately.

Uninstall, i removed all, including entries on regedit, and i’m not using any antivirus at this time.

then there is no way to remove this?, i have no toolbars in IE or nothing about avast or webrep

no idea… may be do a minimum custom install of Avast - with just webrep… shouldn’t take too long; and while Avast is still installed, install/uninstall webrep for IE from Avast UI. Then uninstall avast again.

worked ;D, problem solved.


you’re welcome :wink: