How to remove/installation Avast from Ubuntu9.04, completely!

I tried removing Avast from Bunt 9.04 using examples from your reply dated October 02, 2008.
However some configure files (like profile data, I don’t know appropriate terminology) remain in some place.
When I re-installed Avast, after removing Avast by code : “dpkg -r avast4workstation”, I found the data in preferences such as SMTP setting data.
How to remove Avast completely, please advise.
Regards, Sekko

Use Synaptic where avast should appear under 'Installed (local or obsolete) and tick ‘Mark for complete removal’.

Thank you for your reply,
Avast appeared on Synaptic windows under “Installed (local or obsolete)” selected.
I tried several times Snaptic to remove Avast, but on that time, my selection of left pane items were wrong.

Additional question;
What file does remain after executing code “dpkg -r avast4workstation”, and where does it stay?

Ashamed!, need to learn fundamental. :wink:
Regards, Sekko

Configuration files? Log files? Quarantined files?

I think I came across the quarantine folder after uninstalling once.

Zilog the program developer would be better able to answer.

But this is not Windows- if you come across cruft, delete it, no worries.

I found the “.avast” folder under home directory as hidden folder.
The “.avast” folder contains the avastrc file that includes various configuration date like smtp setting info.
Now I understand complete removal is not complete. :wink:

You can simply delete that folder if you don’t want to keep avast!