I’m having problem removing the kaspersky firewall. Any idea to remove it?(Look at the screen shot)
I have tried the Kaspersky removal tool but it still there.
After using the removal tool, have you shut down the system and then restarted it ???
I did but is still remain there. Any other ideas?
Rassel try this advice and remember google is your best friend on the internet !
Will guide you after you remove Kaspersky remains…
Thanks I will give a try.
Done! The problem has solved using the guide given by darth. Thanks darth and also Tech for helping. But when I stopped the Windows Management Instrumentation and on it back
it says there is a problem so I restart is still the same and this scared me but after I turn off and on again the problem solved. ;D
Anyway thanks.
Rassel, to clean your Security Center, you should follow:
The problem had solved and Sorry if I didn’t explained it clearly.
Glad you solved it.