How to remove log files manualy in avast 5 internet security?
Disable the self-defense module. Delete the files. Enable the self-defense again.
You can set the log size limit.
How about the firewall logs? I can’t clear the log.
Can you disable the firewall?
Which is the file specifically?
Yea I have already disabled the firewall.
The logs created by avast firewall, that is I want to delete.
Clear log button on the right bottom will do the job, won’t it?
Only few files will remain in the log folder if you disable the self-defense and direct delete.
the clear log doesnt work for some people
What do you mean? What is the error message?
Hi, sorry for the clean log button, it really has problems. Unfortunately, for the log files to be deleted you have to stop all avast serviceses and processes. Which means:
- disable self-defence
- net stop “avast! Antivirus”
- net stop “avast! Firewall”
- taskkil /F /IM “avastui.exe”
now you can delete the files, the start avastui from avast installation folder, and click the FIX NOW button.
yeah that’s exactly what I’ve been doing a few times…the main problem remaining the incredible big amount of supposed blocked connections…could it be that the “clear” buttons doesn’t work because of that, is it related at all?
Sorry for that, the clear button will be fixed in the next program update.
Hi, for 2 & 3, what do you mean by “net” stop ?
For 4, is it command type in DOS or RUN ? type all the words inclusive " "?
A command to run in the command line window (what you’re calling DOS…).
Thanks Tech. :-*
I have unchecked the self-defense box.
& 3. When I typed the command in DOS and press enter, it said Access is denied ! ;D
Run DOS as administrator (
For number 4, the taskkil command wont work for me in Vista. Please help.
rainwizard, which is your avast version?
Next program update will improve the firewall logs deletion.
You can, now, set the maximum log file size into avast settings.
My program version is 5.0.545. May I know when the next program update will be available?
Soon. But I’m not the one who can say that.
But Lukas acknowledge the problem.
Hi RainWizard, you can use TaskManager (start by Ctrl+hift+Esc), lookup the avastui.exe line and click End-Process button.