I represent BlueCava which is an online technology used for fraud detection and marketing purposes by online publishers and advertisers.
Our web platform is implemented as an iFrame into publisher web pages and advertising creative. Our iframe executes a series of .js files that are used to identify a user’s device for fraud/risk, marketing and analytics use cases.
We have not been flagged by Avast! Network Shield as a “MALICIOUS URL BLOCKED”
BlueCava traffic is continuously monitored for security and safety for our clients and we haven’t detected any malicious activity. I believe this flag applied by Avast! is a false-negative label.
Can anybody tell me how I can have Avast! reevaluate our flagged domain in an effort to remove this “Infection: URL:Mal” label?
I’m running into a lot of dead ends when trying to get any information explaining how to resolve/clear this Avast! “MALICIOUS URL BLOCKED” related to our
Thanks so much for the response. I really appreciate your time. I have to admit, I’ve had an extremely difficult time getting a meaningful response from the Avast! Support team when submitting a ticket through the Avast! web UI at. http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php. False Positive labels by web security organizations have a ripple-effect that result in lost revenue for businesses and customers. If Avast! provides an opportunity for the market to provide input on their support processes, I’ll love the opportunity provide some thoughts. I’ve worked with many other web security platforms and Avast! has an opportunity to improve their support processes.