How to save the customized Tag in Email after been scanned by avast?

I’ve got Avast Professional 4.8.1169.

I wanted to modify the tags which are included in the bottom of the Email after AVAST has scanned it. When I want to save my modifications in the file aswClnTg.htm , I got the message that I don’t have the rights to save it in the directory.
When I stop AVAST, i can’t modify the file either…
How can I manage this to modify this tag ?

Tks for our answers

That is the avast self-defence at work.

avast! Program Settings, Troubleshooting, disable self-defence, make your modifications, copy/backup the file and enable self-defence again.

Not very user friendly though…
The self-defence should turn itself off when editing these files inside avast!

They know… this will be changed in next program update.

Thanks for your answer but very strange to do this this way…
It would be better to let the user open/modify the files using a password and then save them. So you should be sure that the files are not modified from another persons or hackers…


Sure, it is a BUG in the current version of avast, it’s going to be fixed in the next program update.

They don’t want a password protection, they want another level of security of avast folders/files. Password could be bypassed, hacked… the problem is that self-defense module shouldn’t block these files.