how to save you avast antivirus update?+reply

many people want to know how to save avast antivirus update?
for this work go to avast installation directory and copy "Defs"folder and "Setup"folder to another drive.
for use this update copy "defs"folder and "Setup"folder to avast installation directory (in safe mode do this act)
[suspicious]with top way you can save your avast antivirus update
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[b]Mehdi dadkhah/b :wink:

good luck
mehdi dadkhahOnly avast antivirus

You should be updating your Avast definitions while in normal mode.

Are you trying to update your Avast definitions while in Safe Mode?

The definitions change all the timeā€¦as a matter of fact they change every time an update comes out which may be several times a day. Why would you want to save it to another directory?

If Iā€™m not understanding you correctly, please clarify. Thank you.

no,im update anti virus in normal mode and i dont have any problem
this is a way for every one that want save difintion data base.
thank you my friend

There is no guarantee this works every time. Virus definitions may change e.g. some value in some of avast! INI files (it certainly happens) - and when you restore this ā€œbacked upā€ definitions, your program will be in an inconsistent state and strange things may happen.
Generally, manually copying any files into avast! folder (such as this ā€œmethodā€) is not recommended, it may break up things. Besides, I donā€™t see any reason to do that - if you want to store a particular version of virus definitions, you can download the vpsupd.exe file.

yes.i understand.thank you.
Only avast antivirus

igorā€™s right. Iā€™ve tried this in the past and sometimes it works but other times not.

if fore whatever reson you need the VPS fileā€¦it is available online

thank you