How to setting more smtp accounts?

i’d installed avast with the last version of thunderbird,
but i’ve 4 smtp account, how i’ve to do for
to use all?

HELP ME!!! :‘( :’( :cry:

R83Design >>
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Which is your operational system?
Do you use a firewall? Which one?
Welcome to avast forums 8)

Hi, welcome to the forums.

More importantly help us to help you.

  • What is your Operating system?
  • Have you tried to use the other smtp accounts?
  • Did they work, if not were there any errors, if so what were they?

You can use all of them in the same way as you did before, when you are asked for the default smtp account, it is just that the default and not only account. The same as in your email program, it too has a default account but you can use others.