How to setup avast Virus Alerts?

I just noticed about avast virus alerts feature. What should I fill in the “Send to” field if i choose “Network message (WinPopup)” in “Send Via” field? Whether the ip address or computer name or…?

Personally I have never got this (email notification) to work in almost seven years of using avast and I have tried it several times, only as a result of someone enquiring about it once again.

If this is your computer there is no real point in sending yourself an email. Generally this is you look after your children’s/parents computer/s.

Send Via, is how you want the notification to be sent, E-Mail (SMTP/MAPI), Printers or Network message (WinPopup).

I have tried yet again to get the email notification to work and this time I can’t even get the test to run.

+1 :cry: