I have just updated to the latest Avast and even after several restarts, Avast is nowhere to be found.
avastsvc.exe is running
Starting Avast manually pops consent.exe asking for net access (never before) and when allowed, nothing happens. True, avastemupdate.exe and avastui.exe start running but nothing else happens.
Zone Alarm’s automatic start is broken - must be started manually.
once again what a great update
starting windows with net connection off appears to do a normal os start w all apps loading properly, including avast and za.
starting windows with net connection on is a prerequisite to the symptomes described above.
starting oss w net offline, then restarting os w net on does not solve the problem. when the net is off, the os starts properly. when the net is on, the os starts w the problems.
thx for reply. No, wanted to install the previous version, tried uninstalling current avast (thru the same path) and it failed
filed a support ticket, we’ll see.
also please note updated info in my first post.
just received a reply to my support ticket:
use ccleaner, reinstall avast w full reinstall
darn, that must have taken a rocket scientist to write that. i am surprised os reinstall was not suggested. probably in the next step.
i give up on this app