How to stop Avast for sending false notifications

Had to “reprogram” my EVO 4G LTE last week at Sprint’s direction. Phone was having issues and I believe the reprogram was just a reactivation. Did it the first time and it didn’t work. Did it again later that day and everything seemed to be fixed. Both times were with a Sprint rep on chat.

Avast picked up that something had changed and assumed the phone was stolen. Both my wife and I started getting messages about phone location a couple times a day. I logged in to my Avast account via PC and per the instructions there marked the phone as found. The problem is that the messages are still coming and I can’t figure out how to make them stop. They are really bugging my wife because they come through at text messages at all times of day. I’m looking to how to stop the messages without killing the service.

Really should have been in the avast! Mobile Security forum, hopefully one of the moderators can move it there.

My mistake on the correct forum to start this topic in. I’m new here and didn’t see the mobile section.

Mod, please move.

They have moved it already to the anti-theft section, just need one of the regulars/anti-theft moderators to respond to it.

Edit: I see that it has been moved into the anti-theft sections which is more relevant to your question.

It looks like I figured it out. At least I didn’t get another location notification this morning. When sprint “reprogrammed” my phone, they changed the internal sim card number which is what made Avast think the phone was stolen. So in Avast/Anti-theft/System State/Trusted Sim on my phone, I did the option to delete the existing trusted sim list and use the current sim as the trusted one. Seems to have done the trick.

Good news, that have it resolved.

Thanks for the feedback, it may help others with this sudden unexplained issues with the sim card.

I never thought the sim card would be an issue since sprint phones don’t use removable sim cards. They do have virtual (perhaps non-removable) sim cards. You learn something new every day.