how to stop Info and Update popups

Avast Internet Security has 4 groups of popup messages. I wan to stop the Info and Update type of messages from popping up. I do not care if Avast updated again. I have left the message display setting blank and even 0; however, the messages are still displayed. I do not understand how a message is displayed at all if the display time in seconds is zero.

The value basically means the time after which the popup disappears. 0 = never disappears
The update popup specifically can be disabled in Settings / Updates / Details.

I believe there is much being lost in translation of languages. Here in the western world (USA), what you describe is considered a convoluted process. If there is a settings tab labeled “Popups”, then that is where the settings for popups should be set - - not in another submenu labeled Updates.

In the Popup settings menu, the setting field is preceded by the description:
“Duration in seconds:”

The Description of the four types of popups include “popup” and “displayed”. In English, this is understood to mean that the duration of the subject, popups, is displayed for a specified duration in seconds. Therefore, zero seconds would be the duration of the display which would equate to no display.

Perhaps adding a block to be checked that says “No popups” should be added for clarity.

To completely stop “all” pop-ups try GUI>Settings>Silent/Gaming mode>tick the proper box 8)

I still want the last two groups of popups to indicate when Avast has detected something or acted upon something. I just want to block the first two groups.

The auto update notification can be disabled avastUI > Settings > Updates - scroll down to Details expand the option and uncheck the 'Show notification box after automatic update.

The info group popups has no similar area to disable it as it could originate from multiple areas, so all you can realistically do is set the display duration/interval to 1 second.