how can i dissable avast from starting with windows
i dont want any resident protection or any avast services running
i just want to manualy scan for files when i feel like it,
no auto updates nothing…
im using the home edition on win98
how can i dissable avast from starting with windows
i dont want any resident protection or any avast services running
i just want to manualy scan for files when i feel like it,
no auto updates nothing…
im using the home edition on win98
Use MSCONFIG.EXE and disable the Programms belong to Avast. Under WinXP there a re two Services and one Systemstart entry. All of them are located in the Avast DIrectory. The Avast SCanner and updater will still work without these drivers.
thanks raman.
i will do that…
avast must put an option in prefernces to dissable these,
otherwize avast can be classified a hijaker itself!
All Anti-Virus softwares run at start up by default(Nortons, McAfee Ect…) Most people want the protection running… Avast Anti-Virus is the best as far as Im concerned, and I will continue to reccomend it to everyone I talk to.
You can disable resident protection from simple user interface using its button (its look depends on used skin but generally this button is labeled with “a”).
In enhanced user interface simply right click over resident task with check mark (“Resident protection” task by default) and choose “Unmark” from popup menu.
Another solution is to stop service of avast! (it works only in Windows NT,2k,XP) within “Services” administrative tool. But I cannot recommend this method because you will disable other parts of avast! too (virus chest for example).