how to stop message coming in friend's mobile for anti theft

i have instelled anti theft in my android device… samsung GT5930 …
after few days i have changed my sim card from BSNL from Vodafone…with the sam phone number with changed IMEI number…
that’s the problem…anti theft detects my SIM as other sim and send a message to friend every time i restart my mobile…
i can’t disable this SMS facility…though i tried to disable by unstalling anti theft from mobile…but can’t remove SMS protection…
also tried to do my SIM as only trusted SIM but it doesn’t work…
please help me
its urgent… >:( >:( >:( :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :‘( :’( :cry:

I had the same “problem”, which is honestly just our fault not to remember to have AT activated before changing the SIM, and I actually solved just by calling the PIN I set for AT. It automatically said it just added the SIM serial number to the white list. You eventually re-save the root-settings, exit, and you are all done. It was that easy. Hope it works for you…

yeah exactly thats the solution as documented in documentation.

por favor me ajudem o anti theft foi ativado e nao consigo mexer no meu celular peço para enviar a mensagem com o PIN temporario para o numero do amigo e nao chega a mensagem me ajudem por favor