How to stop scan when opening a program?
Is there a way to do this?
I have tried to exclude the program in different parts of Avast but it still scans the program when opening.
How to stop scan when opening a program?
Is there a way to do this?
I have tried to exclude the program in different parts of Avast but it still scans the program when opening.
Which program?
Scans when open the program or the files/documents managed by the program?
There are two groups of exclusion lists: on-demand scannings (settings > exclusions) and shields (expert settings).
Causes it to open slow.
Added it to Field Shield - Expert Settings - Exclusions it still scanned the program.
Also went into Settings (between Help Center & Upgrade) and added it there with the same outcome.
I have an old versions of Quicken and it opens very quickly, opens in 2-3 seconds and that is opening a pretty large account file.
Whilst my system is faster than yours with more RAM, it shouldn’t make a huge difference. How long is it taking to open then ?
What version of Quicken ?
Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
Open the task manager before you open Quicken and look for what Processes are using CPU %
It takes from 15 to 22 seconds before it completes.
Version Quicken 2010.
Haven’t had another AV installed on the system in over 9 months.
I use Revo Uninstaller to remove software.
Defrag and scandisk every two weeks or so.
Right now mu CPU usage it at approx 2 to 7% with FF and Outlook running.
But what was the other AV ?
Many leave remnants behind that can impact on other security software. There are specialist uninstall tools for most AVs which is a better option than Revo and we have links for most.
I have tried Avira, PC Tools and AVG.
There are no left overs from these AV’s.
My system is clean since I use reg cleaners also.