How to Submit a Sample?

Other than submitting files in virus chest, how to submit potential malwares?
Avast! has been famous for its slow speed of updadating its virus definations…
Panda and other softwares with cloud-based functions can make the time from receiving potential malwares to updadating the virus database to as low as ten minutes or so, and Kaspersky got an analysis of the file updated when submitting manually. But it sometimes take a few days for Avast! to update its virus definations. For example, I tested a total number of 89 virus samples on June 6th, only 44 out of the 89 samples were detected as positive. And one day later, 46, and the rate of detection remains 46/89 for the next few days. Until today, there are still one file to be treated as clean by avast! Furthermore, all the samples found after June 6th were labelled ‘-gen’.
Hence, what’s the faster way to submit the potential malwares? And what if I deserve a reply?(not the auto-reply like AVG-although Avast! doesn’t even seem to have something like this)

virus(at) would probably be what you search for…

Send the sample to virus (at) avast (dot) com zipped and password protected with the password in email body and false possible undetected malware in the subject.

Eh, I know and, and I submitted the remaing of the samples in the test I mentioned above, and that was what happened…
Isn’t there a FASTER way?

There is no web submission, but that would be no faster than adding a zip file to the chest and sending from the chest as it is directly uploaded, not emailed on the next update check.

Emailing the password protected zip attachment with all the samples would also be relatively quick.

You can send it from the chest or via email, no ‘faster’ way that I know of…

I don’t think its the speed of submission that you are having issues with.
It is how fast they process samples and get them into updates, no?

Well we will have to await confirmation as it wasn’t very clear.

However, that if it is what the OP is on about is outside the remit of us avast users.

How do you password protect the sample? I just send it as a zip file to Avast.


It entirely depends on what archive software you are using, some are mind numbingly difficult to the absolutely easy, 7zip falls under the absolutely easy category.

Sending it as an email attachment without password protecting the zip file leaves it open to being scanned by any email servers on route. Should one detect the malware inside then it could be deleted and never get to avast.

Sending multiple samples in a zip, via the chest doesn’t require it to be password protected as they are encrypted in the chest and for transmission. This is why I feel it is better using the chest to send samples.

Off topic but 7zip rocks! If it was not free I’d buy it.

You’re right, wonderwrench…!!
I post the link here:

avast should have a web submission web-site.

@ disPlay, If you feel that strongly about it, perhaps you should suggest it in the “WishList.” Also, please enter your Signature information in your Profile. Thank you.

The Wishlist Topic isn’t the place for such a suggestion as the wishlist topic relates to new Features for the nezt Major Program update and that doesn’t relate to the topics title.

Thank you DavidR for the clarification.