Hi! I’m Melvin from India. I just want to know what settings to fill in the SMTP settings page to send a virus-infected file to avast. How to do this? The page looks too technical to me. It will help improve the virus signatures of avast. The file is named winthb.exe.
Which is your email address (just don’t post the real name, only the last part of it: @what)?
Well avast can’t handle SSL/TLS secure email, however the new version of avast 4.8.1282 has a new submission method where it doesn’t actually use email but uploads using http.
To get the latest version, right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select Updating, Program Update that will get you the latest version.
Add the sample you want to send to the User Files section of the avast chest. Open the chest (right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select avast! Virus Chest), click the User Files section, File, Add and navigate to where your sample is on your HDD.
Once in the User Files section of the chest, right click the file, select Email to ALWIL Software, the title hasn’t changed but it isn’t emailed. Complete the information and submit it to avast. The next time a manual ot auto update is done the file will be uploaded to avast for analysis.
I am from Luxembourg and Avast show me a malware everyday I go to internet @powerfulvirusremover2008. How can I get rid of it please? Thanks ??? ???
Don’t visit the site, why are you visiting the site ?
Firefox and avast both consider this an attack site, see images, so stop visiting it.
20.11.2008 14:54:09 Network Shield: blocked access to malicious site dns://powerfulvirusremover2008.com [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe ]
I suspect because you are getting a pop-up saying your system is infected and should visit the site ?
If so this is a scan to get you to visit the site (they succeed there) and this could then infect your system properly had avast not blocked it, or they would try to get you to pay for a clean-up or the program for a non-existent problem.
This should really be in a topic of its own, so we can help you clean the fake alerts.
Thank you so much for your answer. Yes you are right when you say that I am getting a pop-up saying your system is infected and should visit the site ? No I never visit the site I know that I don’t have to go ther I am not a PRO in internet but have enough experience to no get into this trap but…Avast prevented me from this malware and advise to put it in “quarantaine”. I did but everyday Iget this pop up, and that is THE problem how I can get rid of if?
You write " Network Shield: blocked access to malicious site dns://powerfulvirusremover2008.com [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe ]" You are right but does that mean that I have to remove the file "C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe "?
You write “This should really be in a topic of its own, so we can help you clean the fake alerts.” I will try, thank you anyway for your answer and your help, I really appreciate.
No it means that svchost was the process used to call that url, well to actually make the DNS request for that in the log text dns://powerfulvirusremover2008 . com.
To visit a domain name you actually need the IP address of where to go, a Domain Name Server (DNS) provides that IP address e.g. a block of 4 groups of up to 3 numbers. The network shield intercepted that request.
Start a New Topic of your own as suggested and we will try to help. - Go to this link, http://forum.avast.com/index.php, scroll down to the Viruses and Worms forum and click it, click the New Topic button at the top of the list and post there.
Thank you very much for your help
You’re welcome, see in the new topic when you create it.