How to test for Win32.mytob at boot

Does Avast have a boot virus detection file that I could boot with to test for the worm called W32.mytob? I was trying out Verizon dsl when I contracted a virus the verizon tech person told me was called W32.mytob.AP@NM but when I looked for this online in virus databases, the closest I could get to this worm was called: (I did not understand him very well due to language differences; I am US born) I scanned all 3 of my drives with a Removal Tool that reported I do NOT have this worm on any of those 3 drives. I am currently using a spare drive that I installed XP on so I could communicate. The W32 worm (the tech told me) disallowed an internet connection. This spare drive is allowing internet via charter cable (I also have ZoneAlarm installed again and Avast installed again).
Is it safe to assume that I DO NOT have this worm as the Verizon tech told me I did, if this Symantec Removal Tool did not find any such worm? the removal tool I used is from Symantec because I couldn’t find one on the Avast site. Did I miss seeing a file (on Avast) to remove this particular worm? I didn’t see this mytob worm included in the Removal Tool that Avast had available: Free Virus & Worm Removal Tool.
TIA for any and all help…katy

when I looked for this online in virus databases, the closest I could get to this worm was called:
Different av vendors give different names to malware.

The symantec tool could be detecting only older version of this malware.
Avast certainly is able to detect it.
If you want to make sure your system is clean, have a look HERE

Thanks Eddy for the link you sent. Unfortunately, the drive I need to scan does not have internet connection and cannot get it, due to this ‘worm’ according to the tech held at Verizon (I connect the ethernet cable and no DNS is detectable). Without internet connection, I cannot use any online virus scan, cannot download latest definitions, etc.
I have saved important (to me) files and folders that I want to keep on one drive that was in the original setup (3 drives originally). I had hoped to be certain none of ‘those’ saved files or folders were infected ‘before’ introducing it to this clean drive setup. That’s why I need a means of scanning that drive with latest definations before connecting it to this clean drive.
Do you have any other suggestions that wouldn’t require an internet connection?

Just hook up the drive in the system you are currently using as slave and scan it.

I could but if this worm IS on that drive, it would then infect this ‘clean’ drive. According to the description of this worm, it goes from file to file to folder to folder.

Don’t worry. It will not spread as long as the worm is not active.
Since you will use the current drive to boot and scan from, the worm won’t spread.

Ok, your advice is welcome and accepted… Tomorrow I will do just that! Thanks Eddy!!