How to totally disable avast program & definition update popups?

Hello -

I’m trying to totally disable the definition & program update popups. I managed to get the annoying voice to go away but can’t seem to prevent the program and definitions update popups from showing up. (There really should be a “Turn this popup off.” radio button for each popup in settings…)

The issue appears to occur only when the computer is in screen saver mode & an update occurs. I have set both of these to -0- seconds but both continue to reoccur and will not go away without me closing them manually.

Is there any way to totally disable these two popups?

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Open GUI → Settings → Silent/Gaming Mode → check “Silent/Gaming Mode”


You were looking in the wrong place, it is in the Settings, Updates, Details, Update options and not the Popups section.

Whilst Gaming mode will do it, it also impacts on other notifications, not just the auto updates.

Thanks for the responses.

Thanks for telling me about that second location for popup control… Wonder why they didn’t link place that on the popup control page? (On & off would seem to be a ‘control’ of popup behavior to me… doh! Silly end user! )

I really appreciate the help! It was a minor thing but a constant annoyance finding the update popup ‘stuck’ onscreen after the computer was brought out of screensaver.

You’re right David! :-[


You’re welcome.

The problem being if there was an option in the Popups section that would apply across all popups and not just the update related ones (in the same way as the gaming option stops them all).

Thanks again - what I meant was that an “on/off” button for each pop-up should be right there beside each type of popup… where it is easy to find & not hidden away elsewhere. Didn’t mean to have all popups controlled by a single on/off button. (Which gaming mode absolutely does… and is easy to find! :smiley: ) What is odd (to me) is that if you set the popup time to 0 seconds… that should mean, well, zero seconds of that particular popup being visible.

Either way - thanks again!

You’re welcome.

Zero isn’t a valid input in this case I believe 1 second is the lowest you can set them. In some other cases 0 is also used for unlimited, so you wouldn’t want that to be confused.

So is zero for disabled or unlimited? It allows 0 as an entry.

To disable popups, use Silent/Game mode.

I don’t believe any disabled function is set in the GUI with a zero, that is usually a check box where it either checked (enabled) or unchecked (disabled).

So it isn’t for either specifically, you have to look at the context and any notes in the relevant section, stating that 0 means something else (unlimited).

It’s a shame that you can’t just change the “popup time” for the different popups to 0 seconds…

It would be better if there were checkboxes under “Popups” section so you could enable or disable individual popups and also adjust their time all in one place. I like the idea and would make more sense than current way where controls for the same thing are scattered in two different places.

Well that is essentially killing the pop-up, not really a valid ‘duration.’

But as RejZoR mentions it would be more logical if all things pop-up (duration/disabled) came under the one section.