How to Un-Installl!???

Hello everybody

I’ve installled avast! free anti virus as my antivirus program, now have i got a key to a better and much more expencive product, but i can’t uninstall avast! WTF?

When im trying to uninstall it this is happening (i am admin on my computer).

1: Im going to the control panel, finding avast and pressing “uninstall” and wait for the box to come.[…]

2: When the box is comming up im pressing uninstall.[…]

3: Then a error pops up “There was an error during the product uninstallation”[…]

4: Im pressing forward/next and there’s a new error.[…]

WTF am i doing wrong?? And how can i uninstall this???

I’ve tryed this: but then there is also comming an error?!

1: Im downloading the file, opening it and w000t the new error is here?![…]

I’ve also tryed to use other “uninstalling” programs but nothing will work?!

Please help me!


Use this: in safe mode…!!!

Your images are not displaying, not surprising since they simply point to the tinypic upload page.

Avast has a self defence module. It can be accessed bym right clicking on the tray icon, opening the main interface, click on “settings” at the top right, then “troubleshooting” from the menu, and removing the tick beside “enable Avast self-defence module”.

After that it can be uninstalled normally. The tool can then be run.

In your situation, Asyns’ advice is good. Reboot into safe and run the tool.

Next AV you get, I suggest a rummage through the help files before doing too much. This sort of info is not hard to find in Avasts’ help file.