Hi, I blocked some elements using “Block element” button, and I would like to unblock them, where do I find the blocked elements to unblock them?
An example or screenshot of what you’ve blocked would be helpful.
I blocked the whole youtube page, and search bar in youtube stopped working, and some buttons stopped working too, like “History” Button.
Go to settings/advanced settings/reset computer setting (at the left side of your screen!)
Let’s hope it solves your problem.
No, it doesn’t.
They should make a list for the blocked elements, and make a button to unblock the blocked elements.
Your screenshot doesn’t show anything useful.
Where exactly did you block YouTube?
I can’t show you where exactly I blocked youtube, because I already blocked the elements, they disappeared, I can tell you that I blocked all the videos which were in “Recommended” Section in youtube.
Never Mind, I fixed it by re-installing the browser,
You seem that you worked with avast for years and years and years and you are still working with them, I have read a lot of your posts before, so I think you can deliver my message to them and make them see it quickly.
Please tell them to make a list for the blocked elements, and make a button to unblock the blocked elements, instead of searching for hours in the browser settings and the “Inspect” Page.
Thank You Very Much.
In your Browser settings under Advanced, simply select the following.
That will undo any changes you may have made.
That works. I guess I was wrong when I said:
I apologize.
I thought I tried “Restore settings…” button before, but it appears that I didn’t try it. Ok, thank you, but I see that this resets everything…I still see that they should make a list for the blocked elements to unblock them.
Thank You Again.
Never Mind Sir, this doesn’t work, it seems that I tried this before -(I can’t remember exactly)-, after I reloaded the page few times I got the problem again.
So thank you, I am good with reinstalling the browser, it seems that this is the only solution, and what annoys me is losing the whole data when uninstalling the browser and unfortunately that is required to fix the problem.
What is important is that you should tell them to make a list for the blocked elements to unblock them, and that is a good idea. there is no doubt in it.
Thank You Sir.
Hi, Nodar
I recommend you to open Adblock advance page here chrome-extension://ooeobdingfeedklanlfcjhffgennflke/options/index.html
then open WhiteList or Filterlist tabs. Check if you see there your elements. If you find element, try to remove from the list. I hope, it should help.
The blocked elements appear in “My filters” but there is no option to remove them from the list, all what I have is “Add” , “Import” and “Export” buttons.
awesome! This button is hidden now. But we already fixed this bug. It will be available with new browser version.
At the moment you can try moving your mouse to this place where is this button should be. It should be under the ADD button.
Thank You Very Much.