How to uninstall SecureLine VPN?

i don’t want it to run, and don’t want it on my taskbar…

There’s no SecureLine for OS X, afaik.
If you mean SL for iOS, see:

It came with the latest beta version. I think there’s an uninstaller in the application package.

Interesting, thanks. Wonder why the devs didn’t share that info with us. ::slight_smile:

I figured it out, but it takes quick reactions. First went to Library/ Launch Agents then removed the file for the VPN next reboot and launch file manager and drag the VPN to the trash real fast before it loads and then remove the trash. Hasn’t shown up in activity monitor since. I am not sure what else it effects but so far no problems.

This is news to me, I’m running the latest version of Avast for Mac and I have no traces of this Secure Line thing on my this system.
Does it only install if it’s a fresh install of Avast?

Avast SecureLine is at this moment installed in a beta channel, to all users it will be released approximatelly in two weaks.

In order to uninstall the SecureLine, open its window using the menubar icon and click “Uninstall” in File menu.


Can you give us a hint on how to access the menu to uninstall it? I’ve been using PCs since 1984 and I can’t figure it out.

I used an app uninstaller (AppZapper, but there are others) to wipe both SecureLine and Avast anti-virus for Mac off my machine.

if you would like to uninstall the SecureLine application, you can just launch it (i.e using Finder) and use File->Uninstall menu.

Best Regards,

I am actually pretty annoyed that avast installed an application without asking. I expect you to prevent rogue programs and viruses from installing and not add more to the pile. This is the second time your software has added something that I had to go out of my way to remove. A VPN application is not an upgrade… it is a completely unrelated piece of software that I did not ask for and it makes me second guess using your product entirely.

I completely agree with James on this one… How is a VPN in any possible way related to what is essentially antivirus software? Im mean, I can’t see it, can you explain it to me perhaps?
You’ll notice I’m quite annoyed with this… :slight_smile: It’s just that I absolutely loathe software randomly installing other software that I did not ask for and thus do not need…

Anyway I got rid of it by moving it to trash… Hope it’s a permanent fix.

I cannot for the life of me understand the thought process with this. Avast managers sit down and say “hey guys and gals, we need to monetise our free service. Shall we just install some new software without warning and then ask for some money?” …it really is beyond moronic. If YOU’D ASKED US if we wanted a VPN service installed then at least we’d have had a choice, but no, you decided to be dumb in the interests of your bank account. I’ve been using Avast for donkeys years and have recommended and installed it on so, so many friends and families pc’s (instead of AVG), but it’s hard to trust you after this stupid stunt. It’s like the Amazon Prime 30 day trial thing, where they hope users forget to cancel the trial…except that they were at least asked in the first place. Very, very, very disappointing, not to say annoying too. 1 out of 10. Must try harder.

Yes, this is exactly how it works. Its called the “freemium” business model and is used by Avast for years. What’s new is, that its becoming a little bit more aggressive…

You still have the choice. You can choose not to use SecureLine and uninstall it. We (the developers) also don’t love this new behavior and would prefer the “traditional” method of installing based on user selection (rather than un-installing based on user selection), but the managers belive that this method will bring in more users (= more money), so it was done this way. And yes, it’s as you write - the interests of our bank account come first. This is however nothing one should wonder about as making money IS the purpose of a company.

You should probably start looking for a new job. If your management is pushing for behavior like this your company won’t be around for long. Security products are sold based on trust and your management is using your reputation to scrub toilets.


I appreciate your honesty and I do understand the concept of freemium and Avast are certainly not the only company to use this model. I can also sympathise with companies needing to make money…otherwise they go bust! …but as you’ve candidly said yourself, this isn’t the way to go about it and almost 5000 views on this post already (presumably the tip of an irritated iceberg) would indicate that Avast have dropped the ball with this one. Let’s hope your management team read these posts and realise that they got it wrong this time. AV companies more than almost any other need to be trusted implicitly and this “verging on the disingenuous” scam to hoodwink users certainly doesn’t help to engender the trust Avast need to make fairly earned upsell money.

I’m sure you’re having great fun dealing with the aftermath of another managers “great idea” :wink: …sorry for your pain.


Just thought I’d register to let you know that I’m uninstalling Avast after SecureLine popped up at me this morning. I was mad but willing to live with it sitting in the background, but now that it’s in my face, I’m done.

I’m not so much interested in bashing avast! as I like the antivirus product. I just in no way want the vpn product.

I tried a trial of the vpn product on my pc about a year ago, network access became very problematic and degraded, and it was h@ll trying to get it uninstalled from my PC. And, I am a technically savvy user. In the end, I had to completely deinstall all of everything avast!, and then reinstall just the virus checker.

That was a year ago, and now I am trying out a Mac again after 15 years. Cool machine, but while installing avast! the vpn addition crept on.

I can find no way of specifically uninstalling it. When it does come up, all I get is a message dialog that says: “Remote Service Error”, and then “Installation could not be registered with the remote service, please try it again later.”

I don’t want to try it again later, I wangt to deinstall it. I do not get any menu option in Finder or otherwise that allows me to uninstall.

Thx for helping.

The option is in the SecureLine menu, not in Finder menu. Just open SecureLine and in the “File” menu choose “Uninstall SecureLine”.
That’s all.

Pass the word to the management that users are going to quit Avast in droves if this behavior doesn’t stop. I was a very happy user for years but with this SecureLine in iOS having so many problems and now it installs without notification in MacOS, I am jut about ready to delete everywhere.