hi, i just want to ask, how to update avast! program and virus definitions to the offline computer? my friend has an offline computer, but she want to use avast! and want to update it.
Thanks for your response.
hi, i just want to ask, how to update avast! program and virus definitions to the offline computer? my friend has an offline computer, but she want to use avast! and want to update it.
Thanks for your response.
You had to download the last version of the virus definitions (a exe file(32mb)) and you transfer it to the offline computer (ex: in a usb).
You execute it an its all.
Offline virus definitions:
Direct Download:
Download updates http://www.avast.com/download-update
Updating your antivirus without internet connection (a bit old but you get the picture)
wow…thanks for replies. now i can tell to her how to update it.
and, how many times she should check for the updates? once a week?
I recomend once a day or as often as possible…
But If she is only online once a week and don`t connect any devices that have been connectet to other computers (like USB stick / hardisk that can be infected) OK
thanks Pondus.
She is online every 3 or 4 days in a week (in internet cafe) And it’ll be nice if she download avast! updates too.
thanks for the speedy replies. now i can tell to her about the updates.
avast will / should then download the updates automatically when she connect to the internet…
she’s just online in internet cafe, and has 1 offline computer in her house (with avast! in it) She uses offline computer just for playing games etc, but not to online.
Just FYI, why my friend doesn’t have internet access, and prefer to go to internet cafe : in my country, internet access is not cheap. it’s quite expensive. it will be cheapest if we go to internet cafe. So, not many computer users in my country have their access to internet. (well, i’m quite lucky to have it, not in the high price but has a good quality) But now, there are many internet providers in my country offers good price, maybe she will think about it to have online computer not offline anymore And the updates things will go easier. :
Yes, it’s reality. In our country Internet Access is not cheap. Thanks for all advice, now I can download Avast Update without internet connections.