How to view Virus Chest through console? Unquarantine files?

The behavior Shield quarantined some files. The files are listed on the “Threats Detected” tab for the workstation and there is a button to click on to access the virus chest. When clicking on it, it displays “You don’t have any files in the virus chest”. How do I unquarantine files through the on-premise console? How do I view the virus chest?

Threat name - IDP.Generic “suspicious-moved to quarantine”

AVAST Business Antivirus
console version 6.0.14
windows 7 workstation 19.3.2554 client version

Would it be possible to go to one of the devices with this detection and look in the local Avast Business Antivirus Managed client and see if it displays anything in its Virus Chest? I’m trying to determine if this is a reporting issue, or a removal issue.

I looked on the client.

“Sit back and relax! Your virus chest is empty.”