ive found some viruses and trojans you have missed exactly how do you zipp them and send them to you?
You can put these files in password protected ZIP archive (usually the password is virus ) and send them to virus[at]avast[dot]com . It will be nice and if you write some description about these viruses in the mail body
how do you zip the file to send
Don’t you have an archive program like, WinZip for example?
You can also try this one - IzArc → http://www.izarc.org/ , it’s very easy to use and it’s free
If you don’t know how to create an archive please read the program manual(the archive program which you are using)
ithink i wiped my winzip and my some other files trying to get rid of some viruses any idea how to get them back without having to get the xp disc, off my friend ,ill try the other though thanks.
If you have put them in the virus chest then you can send them from there without having to zip. Ensure you leave the sending method as IMAP, don’t change to SMTP.
You can use www.7-zip.org to zip files too.
Use IMAP if you have a default email account that use it (profile). If not, just check the SMTP settings (special tab at program settings, right click the ‘a’ blue icon) and use SMTP instead of IMAP
My default email account is SMTP, yet if I chose SMTP as the sending method it fails when sending from the chest. However, when I use what is already selected by avast when I choose to email avast, IMAP is ticked and that works every time, go figure.
Strange, for me it’s the opposite. I can never send by IMAP only by SMTP :
ive got then in ewdios quarantine and i dont kno w how to zip file them to send to avast as it wiped my avast ive down loaded that izark but i dont kno w how to use it
Restore from ewido Quarantine to a floppy.
From the floppy, you can zip it with izark (maybe this help: http://www.izarc.org/features.html).
Then add the file to avast chest (open Chest, right click the infected files folder and choose Add).
From avast Chest you can send the file for analysis.
i tried to take them from the quarantine to the floppy but when you press restore it gives you the destination ffor the file as the place it came from.when you click on it and try and delete ythe destination to “A” it wont delete the destination how do you change the address its to be sent to.Ive tried del backspace nothing will remove its origonal destonation