I purchased clean up 2 days ago. All of a sudden Windows security updates won’t download. Went online for a solution and found one and fixed that. I see many people on this forum with clean up problems and not many answers from Avast. My bottom line is, how do I apply for a refund should I need to. When I tried to go to the Digital River site just to look at my invoice, I entered the password they gave me and the order number and a window came up saying: INVALID INFORMATION or words to that effect. Isn’t that where I would ask for a refund if needed? Would like an answer when you find time. Thank you.
avast cleanup has nothing to do with downloads of any kind.
As has been told a huge amount of times here, if you want a refund you need to submit a ticket.
Thank you Avast Eddy – and I find the ticket on the Digital River site?? yes??
No, because only avast can issue refunds.
But before asking for a refund, why not try to solve the problem ?
If avast says something like “filerep warning” at a Windows update it is correct.
It is also just that, a warning.
It means that at that moment not many avast users have downloaded the update.
Which is true since the update is just released and not everyone gets the updates at the same time.
You can ignore the warning and continue the download/install of the update.
Thank you Eddy - I did not mean to infer that Avast has something to do with the windows security downloads - only since this is a new program on my pc, I wasn’t sure if all of Cleanup tweaking and optimizing may have changed something which interfered with the downloads. As I said, I did figure it out and now the downloads seem to download correctly. Also, I do not have any immediate plans to ask for a refund. Just wanted to know where to go to get one if I do need one. Again, do appreciate your time and patience with this matter. Thank you.
As I said, avast CleanUp has nothing do to with downloads.
Unless there is a bug ofcourse and it deletes something that it shouldn’t
Take care and enjoy the new tool.