HOWTO: Scheduled Automatic Scans w/ Free Version!

Hi all. This is my first post here.

I’ve just switched from AVG Free to avast! Home Edition and one of the things I missed from AVG was the ability to schedule a full scan. After searching through the forums here I found out that this feature is only available in the Pro version of avast!. However, I did come across several people asking about this feature in these forums as well as a few hints on how to go about it. I decided to give it a whirl. I figured out how to schedule a scan using the avast! shell extension program, ashQuick.exe (the program that kicks in the scanner when you right-click on a file and choose “Scan” from the popup menu), and the Windows Task Scheduler. I thought I’d share this trick with others. Here’s how to do it:
(NOTE: These instructions are for Windows XP and assume Windows is set up to use “single click” to open items. I would assume the steps would be similar for other versions of Windows.)

[*]Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks
[*]Click (or double-click) on Add Scheduled Task
[*]In the wizard that appears click Next - a list of programs will appear
[*]Click Browse and navigate to C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (or whatever folder in which you installed avast!)
[*]Click (or double-click) on the file ashQuick.exe
[*]On the next screen give the task a name of your choice and choose how often you want it to run and click on Next
[*]On the next screen choose the appropriate scheduling options and click on Next
[*]On the next screen enter the user name and password for the Windows user you want the task to run as, then click on Next
[*]On the next screen check the box for the option “Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish”, and then click Finish
[*]On the next screen, in the “Run” field you will see the path for the ashQuick.exe program. After the closing quote enter a space and type in the path(s) that you want scanned. Multiple paths must be separated by a space and any paths that include a space in the path name must be in quotes. Here are a couple of examples:

“C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe” C: E: - this will scan the entire contents of the C: and E: drives
“C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe” “C:Program Files” E:Downloads - this will scan the contents of the Program Files folder on the C: drive and the Downloads folder on the E: drive, including all subfolders (Note the first path is in quotes due to the space in the folder name “Program Files”)
[*]Click OK
[*]In the Scheduled Tasks window, from the menu, click on Advanced and choose “Start Using Task Scheduler”
[]To test your newly created task, from the Scheduled Tasks window, right-click on the task’s icon and choose “Run” from the popup menu. If the scan doesn’t begin correctly you’ll get an error message. The problem is most likely in the scan path (missing quotes or something like that.)
]Close the Scheduled Tasks window

Keep in mind that this is just a “quick scan” and I’m not sure with what sort of depth that ashQuick.exe scans, but it beats nothing at all.

I don’t know if there is any way to pass other parameters to the ashQuick.exe program for various options like scanning depth, what to do if a virus is encountered, etc. If anyone has any info on how to pass other parameters please feel free to add the information to this thread.

Lastly, I wouldn’t suggest using the screen saver scanner in conjunction with this scheduled scan, as they may end up running at the same time and cause conflicts.


good effort… :wink:

Thanks. I hope everyone can benefit from it. It’s working quite well for me. I have it set to scan both my hard drives in full nightly at 3AM.

you mean you scan your hard disks every night???.. :o

Thanks jedisb…
The scheduling feature is on avast! Pro version.

With ashQuick.exe and Windows Task you cannot use more parameters then the ones you specified (I guess).

Even the ashcmd.exe (command-line) is only for Pro version.


Thanks very much for this information. I tried it as I also am using
Avast version 4.1, Home addition. I am however using Wins ME and your procedure worked just fine almost word for word. Thank You again for your effort on this subject.

HPPAV 633MHZ, System Type x86-Based
Mem 512 MB
Wins 4.90.3000 Build 3000
Agnitum Outpost F.W. ver 1.0 1817.1645
SypwareGuard Version 2.2.0
Browser Firefox 0.8
E-mail Thunderbird 0.5
SpywareBlaster Version 3.1
Avast Home version 4.1
DustBuster version 2.6.2
Ad-aware version 6.0
Anti-Trojan program= a2


Glad I could help. :smiley:

you mean you scan your hard disks every night??!!??

I’ve changed it to weekly, but AVG Free ran a full scan every night. You couldn’t change the frequency in AVG Free.

Maybe, if the mods think this is helpful enough, they’ll make the thread sticky.

Glad you found avast!
The most configurable antivirus 8)

I've changed it to weekly, but AVG Free ran a full scan every night.

i guess scanning nightly is a little too much… :slight_smile:

But that was the only option AVG gave you. At least it gave you the option, which Avast Home does not. That’s the whole reason I started this thread.

And if it doesn’t start at all, what can be wrong?

The virusscan performed in the screensaver mode works fine for me! :slight_smile:
I only scan my hard drive (200 GB) every 2 weeks or so,…

I`ve got as far as c/prg.flies\alwil\avast4 but where is ashquck.exe I can only find ashquickmod

i would like to schedule my task!
i have the pro version
and i made some task
i and would like to run my taskes why scheduler…
for example i did a task named Controlloveloce

With the Pro vresion you can use the schedule options in the advanched user interface.

Right click the task
Choose Run
Easy isn’t it? 8)

men do u read my post???

i make some taskes with avast
one is "Controllo ram " = controll ram & startup program
other task is called “controllo veloce” = fast controll

can i with windows2k scheduler let start one of that tasks(controllo veloce or controllo ran) every start up of windows?

how ?
can u give me the command line ?!?!?!?!?

Could you use this info to start the predefined tasks, instead of your ones?
I’m afraid you cannot start your own tasks using ashQuick… only using ashCmd.exe.

Yes, but you write so few that I did not understand…
I’m thinking I’m not the only one who did not understand… ::slight_smile:

Help, I have no windows password, so can’t schedule automatic scans.