I am the ONLY USER and I know for a fact that I have never changed ANY settings on Avast. Under the circumstances it would HAVE TO BE THE DEFAULT SETTING in my case. I don’t even know HOW to make this change actually.
Can you tell me how I can change it back?
I do not know where to find “Full System Scan” in your path that you posted above.
But Avast still found that the “EndProcess.exe” PUP when I did a “full scan”.
So apparently when you’ve been suggesting people are changing this setting because this PUP is found it is not the “setting” that has been changed but Avast is looking for and finding this PUP ANYWAY even though the “Scan for PUPS” is NOT CHECKED!!!
Please stop posting in multiple topic, I can’t keep up with the same questions and I have no idea why your Full System Scan is detecting PUPs when scan for PUPs isn’t checked. But I can’t see your settings of your scan as I’m sure there are other options which may still scan this (e.g. Scan All files).
I certainly haven’t seen this where others with their settings on defaults get PUP detections.
Sorry, I thought I was only posting it two threads, one on how to restore the PUP from the chest as well as whether or not the PUP was a problem and the other thread on why the PUP was scanned in the first place.
You have posted that the Full System Scan > Settings > Sensitivity PUP and suspicious files section 'Scan for potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) needs to be UNCHECKED.
Here are my Sensitivity Settings (PUP is unchecked) attached I will post the Scan Parameters setting which does NOT have “Scan All Files” checked either on my next post since both together are to large according to the board.
The main point is I’ve NEVER changed ANY DEFAULT settings yet Avast DID Scan for PUP’s which I think you are saying should NOT happen if I’ve NEVER changed ANY settings.
Here is the Scan Parameters setting which does NOT have “Scan All Files” checked.
So both the Sensitivity and the Parameters settings would not account for Avast scanning for PUPS.
The main point is I’ve NEVER changed ANY DEFAULT settings yet Avast DID Scan for PUP’s which I think you are saying should NOT happen if I’ve NEVER changed ANY settings.
I can’t see why it would detect it, as I said if the scan for PUPs is off and if Scan All files is also off. I can see no logical reason why it would scan it and even if it did scan it I would think it wouldn’t be using the PUP signatures.
I certainly haven’t seen and instance of this in the forums, nor have I experienced it.
I’ve posted my settings for scanning PUPs and Scan All files and we can see they are both UNCHECKED. Which btw, is what we would expect since I’ve NEVER changed any scanning settings for Avast at ANY TIME and “unchecked” is the DEFAULT setting.
Here is the contents of my Virus Chest and as we can see it contains the PUP application “EndProcess.exe”.
So I guess we can now say we HAVE seen an “instance of this” at this time.
And I guess since there is no explanation I’d have to conclude Avast DOES scan for PUPs even with the settings set to NOT scan for PUPs apparently.
Thanks for all the help David, I can deal with the scanning conundrum by “excluding” the program as you had suggested.
That said, it is bewildering however that this is occurring in the first place however. And of course your assumption in the past that people have changed the scanning “default” settings that produced this phenomena is apparently not the answer in at least some and probably most cases.
I hope you’ve read my post above for context. After I posted that I thought of something. Going over exactly what happened: I did a FULL SYSTEM SCAN which found the first item listed in the Virus Chest (arg178012.exe). After the “FULL SCAN” I was recommended by Avast to do a “boot scan” (called something like that), so I said “OK” to that and Avast did a scan on boot-up which found a number of problems one of which apparently was the second item in the Virus Chest “EndProcess.exe”. (I’m not sure why more things didn’t show up in the Virus Chest because there were a lot of problems found on the “boot-up scan”). I had been asked what to do on one of the items found and I requested it be moved to the Virus Chest. After that I was asked again but it did not seem to do anything so I said to “delete” items instead. One way or the other I ended up with the “EndProcess.exe” in my Virus Chest along with the other item found on the regular “Full System Scan” earlier.
So I was wondering if the “boot-up scan” that Avast does might actually check PUPs even though this type of scan is UNCHECKED. Possibly for THIS specific type of scan IS UNIQUE (boot-up scan) thus the settings are ignored and ALL Files are scanned even if this option is NOT CHECKED.
So then you are saying that on “boot scans” the PUP setting is ignored even if unchecked and PUPs are always scanned for?
I don’t recall what all the stuff that was listed was but there were a whole bunch of messages during the “boot scan” that appeared to me to be problems with my computer in some way or another. If this is recorded anywhere I’ll be happy to produce it.
I recall that I was asked what to do and I replied with “move to chest” but then I was later asked again and requested the same thing be done but for some reason I concluded that this was not the correct response so I replied with “delete”. There was way to much information for me to recall because it was numerous message lines that displayed during the entire scan and I don’t recall why I changed my reply either.
All I can know for sure is my Virus Chest ended up with what you see there in my attachments.
I have attached to Scan Logs.
I am unable to attach the specific “boot scan” because of size constraints so I’ll post this on my next post.
^ Follow-up to attach the specific “boot scan” results:
I selected the “boot scan” on the Scan Log (see on prior page) and attached the “view scan” for the “boot scan log” which I presume is showing all that was found on the “boot scan”. Just the top item listed (EndProcess.exe) was put in the Virus Chest. The other three items listed I would presume have been “deleted” I guess. I’m not sure why all are listed as “deleted” since the “EndProcess.exe” was in the Virus Chest however. It’s all confusing to me, it seems to me I had a lot more messages displayed than just this number of problems.
This is the first time I’ve ever done a “boot scan” and I think it is probably the first time I’ve done ANY scan on this one year old computer actually.
I have to assume that these 3 items other than “EndProcess.exe” (which should be left alone) are some form of “maleware” of some kind and thus SHOULD BE DELETED? I have to trust that Avast will get things right at least the vast majority of times and won’t be taking out stuff that I need. I’m also assuming that the “arg178012.exe” found on the “regular scan” (see previous page) was something that should be removed as well.
The boot-time scan has its own settings (PUPs and Archive files are scanned by default) when you schedule it you can change the settings.
So if you were doing a boot-time scan, the confusion arises on your calling it a Full scan, when there is a Full System Scan as a pre-defined scan for normal windows mode and as you have seen that has PUPs disabled by default. This setting doesn’t apply to boot-time scans.