I hope we can do this. My computer is an HP ENVY and is running Win 10. It just will not complete the boot up process. My husbands is a Gateway and is running Win8. Both are laptops. is there anything we can do or do I need to try and go to a local shop? I know we did someting using Flashdrives once when it was my husbands computer but that was with the WIN 10 working well.
I will add that on Sunday night I downloaded, installed and ran the AVAST Clean up free trial. So I guess it is possible that this is related.
Next, scroll down to “What If Nothing Works?” in this tutorial https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/boot-windows-10-safe-mode/
and follow isntrusctions for entering Troubleshoot → Advanced Options.
THen try using Startup repair or System restore.
If that fails you can do fresh installation of Windows if you don’t have important data on that laptop.
Thank you!!! I will try this! Lets hope it works because there are files on there that I don’t want to loose. I guess I should just start saving to some sort of external drives to be safe.
I am now on my laptop. I think the WIN10 on the USB helped but I also had to go into safe mode then control panel then uninstall and I uninstalled the Avast Clean up. Sooooo, I think it is fixed. Still seems a little slow but that is probably the wifi. Seems to be working fine!!!